Yearly Archives: 2023

Indian Rocks Beach Photographer

The L Family { Indian Rocks Beach Photographer }   Well this was a fun session that was years in the making!  When this mama contacted me years ago, she was looking for an Indian Rocks Beach Photographer.  Well yes, I’m her gal!  So we scheduled the session for her upcoming vacay.  Then, you guessed…

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Tampa Sunflower Session

The T Family { Tampa Sunflower Session } Ah, spring time… OK, it’s currently summer.  That is how behind I am at updated my blogs.  Still taking volunteers for blog writers, by the way!  No takers?  Well then you’re stuck with my late posts!  But this is a great one.  I finally can say I…

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St Pete Beach Photographer

The M Family { St Pete Beach Photographer } What a beautiful night with this family at the Tradewinds Hotel on St. Pete Beach! I love being a St Pete Photographer because I get to travel to all of the hotels and see what they’re all about.  The M family traveled here from Ohio to…

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Tampa Senior Photographer

Emma { Tampa Senior Photographer } I don’t call myself a Tampa Senior Photographer nearly as much as I want to!  But sometimes, a senior comes my way and I am more than excited to step out of my norm and capture that last priceless year of high school. Emma is off to Ave Maria…

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Tampa Child Portraits

Ellie Turns 3! { Tampa Child Portraits } When Ellie’s mom contacted me, she told me that she was looking for a different type of portrait session. Ellie will be turning three in a couple of weeks and she wanted fresh images for her birthday party.  She’s been doing the in-studio sessions with Miss Ellie…

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Family Beach Photography Tampa

The P Family { Family Beach Photography Tampa } It’s finally warming back up here!  Who am I kidding though?  It never really got that cold…but for Floridians anything below 75 degrees calls for a jacket, boots, and gloves.  Now it’s officially a great time to do some family beach photography in Tampa.  Since we’re…

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